Arts & Letters
Should I Be An Arts & Letters Fellow?
The Global Leadership Adventures Arts & Letters Fellowship will push you to develop an artistic creation based on your experience on a GLA program. Whether you’re creating a short story, journal entry, short documentary film or a photographic journal, this fellowship focuses on making you grow as an artist.
While creating art might not be easy, the experiences that come from GLA programs lend an amazing inspiration for your work. Traveling to a new country or region, experiencing diverse cultures through a new perspective, adventuring with peers and helping local communities or social enterprises will give you the content and insight you need to make something not only incredible, but profoundly meaningful.
Whether you’re shadowing public health workers in the field or taking preventative measures to protect endangered animals, the experiences that come from being an Arts & Letters Fellow on a GLA travel program or virtual internship can lend amazing inspiration to your studies.
Traveling to a new country or region, experiencing diverse cultures in unique ways, adventuring with peers and helping local communities or social enterprises will give you a fresh perspective that this fellowship can help you cultivate.
The Arts & Letters Fellowship is broken up into four distinct concentration areas. Choose one of the following:
- Creative Writing
- Fine Arts (Coming in 2023)
- Photography
- Videography
You will choose one of these concentration areas during your Arts & Letters Fellowship application, before you start your program. The concentration you choose will illuminate and influence your final project as a Fellow.
The Arts & Letters Fellowship is self-driven and designed for determined young creatives and storytellers. Nobody will hold your hand to make sure you complete your work.
If you’re motivated and inspired, and want to push yourself above and beyond the standard experience, this fellowship is designed for you.
A Certificate of Achievement
A Custom Metal Fellowship Pin
A Recommendation Letter
The Title of Arts & Letters Fellow

Complete optional Pre-Program reading and viewing to enhance your creative learning

Put your creative skills to the test in the field during your GLA travel program or virtual internship

Complete a creative final project post-program in photography, videography, fine arts or the written word
What Should I know Before I Apply?
There is no cost to apply to be an Arts & Letters Fellow. Once you are accepted into the Fellowship, however, you will need to pay the $500 Fellowship Fee to participate.
You must be enrolled in a GLA travel program or virtual internship to participate in a Fellowship. Your Fellowship Fee will be added to your account automatically once you are enrolled, pending your acceptance as an Arts & Letters Fellow.
Fellowship applications are due by Tuesday, May 17. Once you are accepted into the Arts & Letters Fellowship, you will receive an email notification from GLA’s Fellowship Committee Chair welcoming you to the Fellows Cohort Class of 2022.
At this time, you will receive your Fellowship Packet, which will outline everything you need to know to complete your Fellowship and submit your final project.
The only requirement to be a Fellow, besides being enrolled in a GLA program, is to submit a final project after your program is over. For Arts & Letters Fellows, this takes the form of a curated photography collection, a short video or a creative writing piece, depending on which concentration you choose.
Which Thematic Concentration Should I Choose?

Learn the skills it takes to write a substantive written piece as your final creative writing project, in the form of a short story, nonfiction narrative, poem or article.

The Fine Arts concentration of the Arts & Letters Fellowship is not running in the Summer of 2022. It will be available for next season, in the Summer of 2023.

Challenge your creative side and master a photographer’s skill set as you curate your own digital photo exhibition and open your eye to new perspectives through the lens.

Make your own short video in a narrative or documentary style that showcases your critical and creative thinking skills, as well as your mastery behind a camera.